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Preprints •

Relationship between characteristics of large national regions and individual alcohol consumption: a systematic review

Sergey A. Maksimov, Yana Y. Danilchenko, Darya P. Tsygankova, Svetlana A. Shalnova, and Oksana

Journal of Substance Use •

NEXT: description, rationale, and evaluation of a novel internet-based mail-delivered syringe service program

Benjamin T. Hayes, Jamie Favaro, Czarina N. Behrends, Daniel Coello, Andrea Jakubowski, & Aaron D. Fox

Health Affairs •

Higher COVID-19 Vaccination And Narrower Disparities In US Cities With Paid Sick Leave Compared To Those Without

Alina S. Schnake-Mahl, Gabriella O’Leary, Pricila H. Mullachery, Alexandra Skinner, Jennifer Kolker, Ana V. Diez Roux, Julia R. Raifman, and Usama Bilal

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity •

Patterns of indoor radon concentrations, radon-hazard potential, and radon testing on a small geographic scale in Utah

Judy Y. Ou, Joemy M. Ramsay, Greg Lee, James A. VanDerslice, Marissa Taddie, Anne C. Kirchhoff, Eleanor Divver, Wallace Akerley, Deanna Kepka, Heidi A. Hanson

Journal of Public Health Policy •

Paid sick leave policy impacts on health and care utilization in the United States: why policy design matters

Hilary Wething

University of Arizona •

Preemption of Harm Reduction Practices During the US Opioid Crisis

Sara Joy Porter

University of Arizona Thesis •

Preemption of Harm Reduction Practices During the US Opioid Crisis

Sara Joy Porter

Journal of Interpersonal Violence •

Disarming Intimate Partner Violence Offenders: An In-Depth Descriptive Analysis of Federal and State Firearm Prohibitor Laws in the United States, 1991–2016

Lindsay K. Cloud, Nadya Prood, Jennifer Ibrahim

Journal of Interpersonal Violence •

Disarming Intimate Partner Violence Offenders: An In-Depth Descriptive Analysis of Federal and State Firearm Prohibitor Laws in the United States, 1991–2016

Lindsay K. Cloud, Nadya Prood, Jennifer Ibrahim

Barcelona School of Economics Working Paper •

Do Evictions Increase Crime? Evidence from Nuisance Ordinances

Stefano Falcone

Barcelona School of Economics Working Papers •

Do Evictions Increase Crime? Evidence from Nuisance Ordinances

Stefano Falcone

Utah Women's Health Review •

Disparities in Distance to Abortion Care Under Reversal of Roe v. Wade

Brenna C. Kelly, Simon C. Brewer, & Heidi A. Hanson

UCLA Electronic Theses and Dissertations •

State Laws on the Court Involvement during Initial Civil Commitment Proceedings and Rates of Psychiatric Inpatient Admissions in the United States

Gi Hye Lee

University of Massachusetts Boston ProQuest Dissertations Publishing •

Implementation of the Massachusetts Policy on Youth Sport-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries: Perceptions of Key Personnel at Massachusetts Public and Charter Schools

Gretchen Anderson Kilbourne

Local Government Stuides •

Local autonomy: unconditional elites and conditional publics

Charles Breton, Jack Lucas, & Zack Taylor

American Journal of Public Health •

The Growing Importance of Self-Managed and Telemedicine Abortion in the United States: Medically Safe, but Legal Risk Remains

Patty Skuster & Heidi Moseson

Indiana University Department of Sociology •

A Qualitative Evaluation of Use, Access and Conerns with the First Legal Syringe Exchange Program in Indiana: Perspectives and Experiences of People who Inject Drugs in A Rural Comminity

Cameron A. McAlister

Pediatrics •

Variations in State Laws Governing School Reintegration Following Concussion

Leah L . Thompson, et al.

Congress Files •

Forcing Out, Breaking In: Do Evictions Increase Crime?

Stefano Falcone

University of Maryland, College Park •

The Effects of HIV Criminalization Laws (and their enforcement) on HIV Risk Among Black and Hispanic Populations

Jessica Keralis

Journal of Urban Health •

Harm Reduction, By Mail: the Next Step in Promoting the Health of People Who Use Drugs

Bejamin T. Hayes, et al.

International Journal of Drug Policy •

Estimated effect of US state syringe sale policy on source of last-used injection equipment

Patrick Janulis, Barrett Montgomery, & James Anthony

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics •

Involuntary Commitment as “Carceral-Health Service”: From Healthcare-to-Prison Pipeline to a Public Health Abolition Praxis

Rafik Wahbi & Leo Beletsky

University of Michigan •

Does Electoral Competition Deter Politicians From Adopting Good Policies?

Amanda I. Mauri and Charles R. Shipan

CATO Institute •

Drug Paraphernalia Laws Undermine Harm Reduction

Jeffrey A. Singer & Sophia Heimowitz

American Journal of Preventive Medicine •

Association Between Fatal Occupational Injuries and State Minimum-Wage Laws, 2003–2017

Molly Merrill-Francis PhD, MPH, Jon S. Vernick JD, MPH, Emma E. McGinty PhD, MS, Keshia M. Pollack Porter PhD, MPH

American Journal of Public Health •

Data Dashboards for Advancing Health and Equity: Proving Their Promise?

E Lorna Thorpe, Marc Gourevitch

Duke Global Health Institute at Duke University •

Universal Health Coverage for the Poor and Informal Sector in Africa: A Health Financing Policy Analysis

Michelle Zoe Hughes

Medical Care •

Effects of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion on the Compensation of New Primary Care Physicians

Yanlei Ma, David Armstrong, Gaetano Forte, Hao Yu

American Journal of Public Health •

Data Dashboards for Advancing Health and Equity: Proving Their Promise?

Lorna E. Thorpe and Marc N. Gourevitch