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American Journal of Preventive Medicine •

Access Denied: The Proliferation of American Medical Abortion Laws, 2000–2018

Sarah J. Tomlinson

Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy •

Patient-Centered Care preferences & expectations in outpatient pharmacist practice: A three archetype heuristic

Anthony Olson, et al.

PLoS One •

How did outdoor biking and walking change during COVID-19?: A case study of three U.S. cities

Annie Doubleday, Youngjun Choe, Tania Busch Isaksen, Scott Miles & Nicole A. Errett

American Journal of Preventive Medicine •

Factors Associated With Postpartum Diabetes Screening in Women With Gestational Diabetes and Medicaid During Pregnancy

Cynthia J. Herrick, et al.

University of San Francisco, Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects (Dissertation) •

Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Diabetes Management During Pregnancy

Nicole Beamish

University of San Francisco, Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects (Dissertation) •

Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Diabetes Management

Nicole Beamish

JAMA Internal Medicine •

Pharmacy Access to Sterile Injection Supplies for People Who Inject Drugs

Brian Barnett & Nathaniel Morris

PLoS One •

Anti-poverty policy and health: Attributes and diffusion of state earned income tax credits across U.S. states from 1980 to 2020

Kelli Komro, et al.

Housing Policy Debate •

State Landlord–Tenant Policy and Eviction Rates in Majority-Minority Neighborhoods

Breanca Merritt & Morgan Farnworth

Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology •

Methodological challenges and proposed solutions for evaluating opioid policy effectiveness

Megan S. Schuler, Beth Ann Griffin, Magdalena Cerdá, Emma E. McGinty & Elizabeth A. Stuart

Open Forum Infectious Diseases •

Opportunities to Offer Harm Reduction to People who Inject Drugs During Infectious Disease Encounters: Narrative Review

Alyssa Peckham & Erika Young

Harm Reduction Journal •

"We're Actually More of a Likely Ally than an Unlikely Ally": Relationships Between Syringe Services Programs and Law Enforcement

Carol Franco, Angela Lee-Winn, Sara Brandspigel, Musheng Alishahi, & Ashley Brooks-Russell

Journal of General Internal Medicine •

“Health Is on the Back Burner:” Multilevel Barriers and Facilitators to Primary Care Among People Who Inject Drugs

Delia Motavalli, et al.

Social Science & Medicine •

The Impact of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Minimum Wage, and Earned Income Tax Credit on Women’s Well-Being and Intimate Partner Violence Victimization

Rachael Spencer, et al.

Health Affairs •

State-Level Discrimination Policies And HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adoption Efforts In The US

Stephen Bonett, Steven Meanley, Steven Elsesser, & José Bauermeister

Housing Policy Debate •

Relationship Between State Preemption of Inclusionary Zoning Policies and Health Outcomes: Is There Disparate Impact Among People of Color?

Courtnee Melton-Fant

Journal of Infectious Diseases •

Federal and State Action Needed to End the Infectious Complications of Illicit Drug Use in the United States: IDSA and HIVMA’s Advocacy Agenda

Sandra Springer, et al.

Infectious Disease Clinics •

Harm Reduction Services to Prevent and Treat Infectious Diseases in People Who Use Drugs

Kinna Thakarar, Katherine Nenninger & Wollelaw Agmas

Assessing Legal Responses to COVID-19. Boston: Public Health Law Watch •

Preemption, Public Health, and Equity in the Time of COVID-19

Kim Haddow, Derek Carr, Benjamin Winig, & Sabrina Adler

Public Health Reports •

Policy and Public Health: Reducing the Burden of Infectious Diseases

Deron Burton, et al.

Public Health Reports •

State Laws Governing Syringe Services Programs and Participant Syringe Possession, 2014-2019

Marcelo Fernández-Viña, et al.

Public Health Reports •

State Laws Governing Syringe Services Programs and Participant Syringe Possession, 2014-2019

Marcelo H. Ferrnandez-Vina, Nadya E. Prood, Adam Herpolsheimer, Joshua Waimberg, Scott Burris

Public Health Reports •

The Impact of Syringe Services Program Policy on Risk Behaviors Among Persons Who Inject Drugs in 3 US Cities, 2005-2015

Tanner Nassau, Alia Al-Tayyib, William Robinson, Jenniferr Shinefeld, & Kathleen Brady

Drug and Alcohol Dependence •

State medical marijuana laws, cannabis use and cannabis use disorder among adults with elevated psychological distress

Ryan McBain, et al.

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities •

Economic Policies Make a Difference for Babies’ Health

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Vaccine •

Immunizations at Wisconsin Pharmacies: Results of a statewide vaccine registry analysis and pharmacist survey

Philip C. Berce, et al.

Vassar College •

Safe and Subversive: Medication Abortion’s Potential to Reshape Patterns of Access and Power

Margaret Matthews

Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) 2020 conference abstracts (BMJ Injury Prevention) •

The association between state minimum wage laws and fatal occupational injuries

Merrill-Francis M, et al.

USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics •

Is the U.S. Ready to Quickly Vaccinate its Population Against COVID-19?

Jeff McCombs, et al.

Injury Epidemiology •

Evaluating the effectiveness of traumatic brain injury state laws among high school athletes

Alan T. Arakkal, Anna E. Barón, Molly M. Lamb, Sarah K. Fields & R. Dawn Comstock