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University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 96 U. Det. Mercy L. R •

Sympoium: Women in the law Articles

Allen R., Jackson A. & Harris D.

Ohio State Law Journal •

ABCs and CBD: Why Children with Treatment-Resistant Conditions Should Be Able to Take Physician-Recommended Medical Marijuana at School

Katherine Berger

BMC Public Health •

Considering health and health disparities during state policy formulation: examining Washington state Health Impact Reviews

Keshia M. Pollack Porter, Ruth Lindberg & Arielle McInnis-Simoncelli

Mental Health & Prevention •

Comparison of youth suicide with involuntary hold criteria and inpatient capacity

Ilene Claudius

Mental Health & Prevention •

Comparison of youth suicide with involuntary hold criteria and inpatient capacity

Ilene Claudius

Wellesley College Digital Repository •

Why She Didn't Just Leave: The Effect of Nuisance Ordinances on Domestic Violence

Emily Moss

Contraception •

Quantifying the impact of targeted regulation of abortion provider laws on US abortion rates: a multi-state assessment

Nichole Austin & Sam Harper

Milbank Quarterly •

Legal Remedies to Address Stigma‐Based Health Inequalities in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities

Blake VK & Hatzenbuehler ML

Article Link

  • cited datasets

    REACH Lab Policy Brief •

    Investing in the Safety and Health of Nebraska Communities Through the Authorization and Implementation of Syringe Services Programs

    Allison Black, Kim Gocchi Carrasco, Jacob Delley, & Kirk Dombrowski

    Colorado Natural Resources, Energy & Environmental Law Review •

    Hydraulic Fracturing, Radioactive Waste, and Inconsistent Regulation

    Hella B. Zelleke

    Health Security •

    An Assessment of State Laws Providing Gubernatorial Authority to Remove Legal Barriers to Emergency Response

    Gregory Sunshine, et al.

    American Journal of Public Health •

    Texting-While-Driving Bans and Motor Vehicle Crash–Related Emergency Department Visits in 16 US States: 2007–2014

    Alva Ferdinand, Ammar Aftab & Marvellous Akinlotan

    CityScape •

    Data Shop: Law as Data: Using Policy Surveillance to Advance Housing Studies

    Abraham Gutman, Katie Moran-McCabe, Adrienne Ghorashi, Andrew Campbell, & Lindsay Cloud

    Harm Reduction Journal •

    Barriers to using new needles encountered by rural Appalachian people who inject drugs: implications for needle exchange

    Stephen Davis, et al.

    SSM - Population Health •

    State minimum wage laws and newly diagnosed cases of HIV among heterosexual black residents of US metropolitan areas

    DH Cloud et al

    Article Link

  • cited datasets

    American Journal of Preventive Medicine •

    Association Between State Minimum Wages and Suicide Rates in the U.S.

    Alex Gertner, Jason Rotter, & Paul Shafer

    The High Cost of Compliance: Assessing the Regulatory Burden on Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities

    Andre Mota, Julian Polaris, Randi Seigel, & Fatema Zanzi

    Northeastern University Law Review •

    Health, Housing and the Law

    Abraham Gutman, Katie Moran-McCabe, & Scott Burris

    Health Equity •

    Effects of State-Level Earned Income Tax Credit Laws on Birth Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity

    Kelli Komro, Sara Markowitz, Melvin Livingston, & Alexander Wagenaar

    Pain Medicine •

    Reducing High-Dose Opioid Prescribing: State-Level Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose Policies, 2007–2017

    Sara Heins, Katherine Frey, G Caleb Alexander, & Renan Castillo

    The Journal of Emergency Medicine •

    Characteristics and Costs of Pediatric Emergency Department Visits for Sports- and Recreation-Related Concussions, 2006–2014

    Walter Hardesty, Bhavna Singichetti, Honggang Yi, Julie Leonard, & Jingzhen Yang

    Contemporary Drug Problems •

    Social and Political Factors Associated With State-Level Legalization of Cannabis in the United States

    Joanne Spetz, Susan Chapman, Timothy Bates, Matthew Jura, & Laura Schmidt

    SSM - Population Health •

    Effects of changes in earned income tax credit: Time-series analyses of Washington DC

    Alexander Wagenaar, Melvin Livingston, Sara Markowitz, & Kelli Komro

    Drug and Alcohol Dependence •

    Recreational marijuana legalization and prescription opioids received by Medicaid enrollees

    Yuyan Shi, et al.

    American Psychiatric Association Publishing •

    The American Opioid Epidemic: From Patient Care to Public Health

    Michael T. Compton, MD, MPH, Marc W. Manseu, MD, MPH

    BMC Health Services Research •

    State variation in opioid treatment policies and opioid-related hospital readmissions

    Janice Blanchard, Audrey Weiss, Marguerite Barrett, Kimberly McDermott & Kevin Heslin

    International Journal of Drug Policy •

    Factors associated with obtaining sterile syringes from pharmacies among persons who inject drugs in 20 US cities

    Maria Zlotorzynska, Paul J.Weidle, Gabriela Paz-Bailey, & Dita Broz

    Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry •

    Patient or Prisoner? Forced Treatment for the Severely Mentally Ill: Life-Long Implications for Patients Who Have Been Treated Against Their Will

    Tochkov, Karin, PhD Williams, Nichole, BS

    National School Boards Association •

    Fostering Safer Schools: A Legal Guide for School Board Members on School Safety

    National School Boards Association

    Public Health Reports •

    Public Health Implications of Housing Laws: Nuisance Evictions

    Katie Moran-McCabe, Abraham Gutman, & Scott Burris