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Tobacco Free K-12 School Tobacco Policies in Florida


About this dataset:

States and school districts around the United States have policies that prohibit smoking or tobacco use on school property. In 2011, Florida’s state legislature granted school districts the authority to restrict smoking on school district property. This is in addition to the state’s laws that prohibit anyone under the age of 21 from smoking or vaping within 1,000 feet of public or private K-12 schools during specific hours, and despite the state’s laws that preempt local regulation of smoking.  

This map presents county-level school district policies in Florida that address requirements and/or prohibitions related to tobacco products. The map includes key characteristics of these policies, such as rationale supporting the policy, prohibitions on student possession, use, and sale, of tobacco products, prohibitions on adult use and sale of tobacco products, scope of definitions covering tobacco products, consequences for student tobacco infractions, provisions regarding staff enforcement, provisions regarding visitor enforcement, notification requirements, provision of tobacco prevention education, prohibitions on tobacco product promotion, prohibitions on the solicitation or acceptance of gifts from tobacco companies, exceptions to the policy, requirements to provide tobacco cessation resources to students and staff, and dedicated policy evaluation requirements.  

This map identifies and displays key features of district or county-level tobacco policies across all 67 school districts in Florida, in effect from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2023. 

Dataset Created by
Robert Ostbye

Dataset Maintained by
Robert Ostbye

Dataset Valid From

Dataset Updated Through

Total Jurisdictions Covered

Robert Ostbye (

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Robert Ostbye (2024, September 13). Tobacco Free K-12 School Tobacco Policies in Florida.

CPHLR (September 13, 2024). “Tobacco Free K-12 School Tobacco Policies in Florida”.
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