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City Nuisance Property Ordinances


About this dataset:

City nuisance property ordinances require landlords to regulate the conduct of their tenants, sometimes through eviction, and often penalize them when they fail to do so. Although these laws were initially enacted to target drug use, many ordinances now include a wide range of actions that the city deems to be a nuisance. Nuisance property ordinances can have consequences with a significant impact on public health. For example, some ordinances consider calls to law enforcement to be nuisance activities, thus discouraging tenants from calling the police when necessary. These laws, which may force tenants to choose between calling the police in an emergency and being threatened with eviction, can have a disproportionate effect on domestic violence survivors and people with disabilities, who may have to call the police for help more often than others.

City nuisance property ordinances address a wide variety of conduct, along with requirements regarding notice of a nuisance violation, abatement requirements, and possible penalties.

This dataset identifies and displays key features of city nuisance property ordinances across the 40 most populous cities in the United States in effect from August 1, 2017 through August 1, 2019.

Cited By

Health, Housing and the Law

Northeastern University Law Review
Health, Housing and the Law
Abraham Gutman, Katie Moran-McCabe, & Scott Burris

Dataset Created by
Center for Public Health Law Research

Dataset Maintained by
Center for Public Health Law Research

Dataset Valid From
August 1, 2017

Dataset Updated Through
August 1, 2019

Total Jurisdictions Covered

Katie Moran-McCabe (

Cite this dataset

Temple University Center for Public Health Law Research ( 2019, August 1). City Nuisance Property Ordinances.

Temple University Center for Public Health Law Research (August 1, 2019). “City Nuisance Property Ordinances”.
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